Sasha Bonilova, Miss May
Age 24 | 36DD-27-36 | 5'7" | 127 lbs
Sasha is a model whose primary selling point - large breasts - pretty much landed her the Playmate role. Although she severely lacked any semblance of talent that could have been the reason she got nominated, she does have fans in those who admire her unique body type.
The Good: Sasha's uniquely large breasts are a sign that there is a market for them, and there are admirers out there. Behind those huge cans, though, there is a semblance of a pretty attractive frame. Also, her face is certainly not a major detriment, but how she uses it is another story.
The Bad: As I've said, there is an audience out there for Sasha's body, which means it's really up to taste. However, her utter lack of talent and her disinterested gaze make for a pitiful pictorial. Sasha had not a shred of talent, and it shows miserably in every photo. How she came to be a Playmate is beyond me, but I'm quite sure it has something to do with her chest.
Face: B
Body: B-
Talent: C+
Pictorial: B-
Centerfold: C+
Overall: C+
Ashley Mattingly, Miss March
Age 25 | 32C-24-32 | 5'7" | 127 lbs

The Good: Ashley's physique is both Ashley's biggest strength and one of her major flaws. Her finely toned arms and tight, well-formed abs are easily the strongest and most powerful of hte 2011 class. It's well documented in her pictorial, with some workout scenes leading to a moist locker room pose-off. While her photos are well-intentioned, they can't overcome the model underneath.
The Bad: Ashley's masculine physique is also her biggest downside. She has a tough exterior that's difficult to photograph with much subtlety, and so it takes away from the layers and depth that could otherwise allow for a very pretty girl to shine through. Instead, Ashley comes on too strong, without ever really satisfying in her decent pictorial. She falls flat due to these unique characteristics.
Face: C
Body: B
Talent: B+
Pictorial: B
Centerfold: B
Overall: B-
2011 got started with a bubbly blonde, voluptuous model who worked the Playmate mold to the max. She was a prototypical Hefmate, with all the characteristics - a reticent posing style, big round breasts, and those curly blond locks. While her angelic face and curvy body were worth a look, she was arguably the blandest of all the Playmates in the class.
The Good: Possibly the most flattering thing you can say about Anna is that she is a Jack of all trades, but a master of none. And when I say none, I mean it. Her pretty face is almost postcard-worthy, allowing her to take on a youthful, energetic look. That's where she leaves it, but it allows her to take on an amazingly photogenic stance when she passively poses in photos. Her body is also hit or miss, but is quite sexy in angles that extend her body and show off her length.
The Bad: Miss Berglund will never win awards for uniqueness or memorability. There were some pathetic overall performances in 2011, but none could have fallen as flat for such a nice girl as Anna's did. Miss Berglund is a mildly wasted talent, with otherwise lovely features giving way to an uninspiring performance with no talent in sight. Anna is out of her element in the Playmate world, and possibly would have been better suited as a Cyber Girl.
This Eastern European bombshell debuted with little fanfare, being known only to the international edition of the magazine. With a long lineage of Ukrainian beauties appearing as Playmate in the past, Iryna had a lot to live up to. Unfortunately, she missed the mark, mostly due to the aesthetic appeal of the model rather than the execution.
The Good: Iryna's pictorial is the one high point of her Playmate reign. Although she is lacking in a variety of areas, her photos are bright and colorful, with summer hues that really come across beautifully. She is captured in some fun, sexy poses with some excellent costuming, and is overall shot quite well. The shift into a bedroom setting is seamless and a natural fit for Iryna, whose face is photogenic enough to warrant a second glance. This is a model who shows promise, as evidenced by her spread as well as her fine centerfold, one of 2011's finest.
The Bad: Iryna is hampered mainly by herself, as her editors do a fine job of trying to capture her beauty. Instead, she exhibits no enthusiasm, being a glum focal point in an otherwise high-spirited and lovely pictorial. She rarely cracks a smile, and instead focuses with an awkwardly squinty stare. Physically, Iryna is voluptuous in her short stature, and is best shot prone, although she is often shot head-on. This makes her look a bit sloppy here and there, and takes away from an otherwise attractive model.
Anna Sophia Berglund, Miss January
Age 25 | 34D-25-36 | 5'6" | 128 lbs

The Good: Possibly the most flattering thing you can say about Anna is that she is a Jack of all trades, but a master of none. And when I say none, I mean it. Her pretty face is almost postcard-worthy, allowing her to take on a youthful, energetic look. That's where she leaves it, but it allows her to take on an amazingly photogenic stance when she passively poses in photos. Her body is also hit or miss, but is quite sexy in angles that extend her body and show off her length.
The Bad: Miss Berglund will never win awards for uniqueness or memorability. There were some pathetic overall performances in 2011, but none could have fallen as flat for such a nice girl as Anna's did. Miss Berglund is a mildly wasted talent, with otherwise lovely features giving way to an uninspiring performance with no talent in sight. Anna is out of her element in the Playmate world, and possibly would have been better suited as a Cyber Girl.
Face: B-
Body: B
Talent: B-
Pictorial: C+
Centerfold: C
Overall: B-
The first Asian Playmate since 2008's Grace Kim, Mei-Ling came in with some hope, but left a flat mess. One of the most petite body types of the class, she delivered a boring performance that could even contend with the others so far in my rankings. When it comes down to it, Miss Lam brought in one of the more forgettable performances of 2011.
The Good: While Mei-Ling's pictorial is a mixed bag of boring and slightly interesting, Mei-Ling is generally a pretty good looking girl. She looks decently radiant in a number of her photos where her own posing doesn't get in the way, and when her slinky body is photographed in the bedroom, it takes on a whole different look. Mei-Ling is a difficult girl to picture correctly, but when it's done right, you can only wonder what could have been.
The Bad: There is just too much wrong with Miss Lam's performance, where it can only hold her back from reaching her potential. Her petite body is photographed very poorly for much of the time, taking angles that show off her lack of a true focal point that would make her a decent nude. This girl simply wasn't made to pose in the nude, as she just seems more comfortable and better suited to being a clothing model or a generic fashion model.
Mei-Ling Lam, Miss June
Age 27 | 32B-24-34 | 5'6" | 109 lbs

The Good: While Mei-Ling's pictorial is a mixed bag of boring and slightly interesting, Mei-Ling is generally a pretty good looking girl. She looks decently radiant in a number of her photos where her own posing doesn't get in the way, and when her slinky body is photographed in the bedroom, it takes on a whole different look. Mei-Ling is a difficult girl to picture correctly, but when it's done right, you can only wonder what could have been.
The Bad: There is just too much wrong with Miss Lam's performance, where it can only hold her back from reaching her potential. Her petite body is photographed very poorly for much of the time, taking angles that show off her lack of a true focal point that would make her a decent nude. This girl simply wasn't made to pose in the nude, as she just seems more comfortable and better suited to being a clothing model or a generic fashion model.
Face: B
Body: B
Talent: B
Pictorial: B-
Centerfold: B+
Overall: B-
Iryna Ivanova, Miss August
Age 25 | 32DD-25-35 | 5'4" | 105 lbs

The Good: Iryna's pictorial is the one high point of her Playmate reign. Although she is lacking in a variety of areas, her photos are bright and colorful, with summer hues that really come across beautifully. She is captured in some fun, sexy poses with some excellent costuming, and is overall shot quite well. The shift into a bedroom setting is seamless and a natural fit for Iryna, whose face is photogenic enough to warrant a second glance. This is a model who shows promise, as evidenced by her spread as well as her fine centerfold, one of 2011's finest.
The Bad: Iryna is hampered mainly by herself, as her editors do a fine job of trying to capture her beauty. Instead, she exhibits no enthusiasm, being a glum focal point in an otherwise high-spirited and lovely pictorial. She rarely cracks a smile, and instead focuses with an awkwardly squinty stare. Physically, Iryna is voluptuous in her short stature, and is best shot prone, although she is often shot head-on. This makes her look a bit sloppy here and there, and takes away from an otherwise attractive model.
Face: A-
Body: B
Talent: B-
Pictorial: B+
Centerfold: A-
Overall: B
This is the turning point of my ranking, where we go from "so-so" performances to "good" ones. Enter Kylie, whose exotic Afro-German looks and above average pictorial have vaulted her to a status where she has gathered a major fan following. Miss Johnson's appeal goes deep, and is due to her uniqueness in the Class of '11. Indeed, she may be a major force as voting gets underway.
The Good: Kylie is a girl whose look just screams "agressive," and she needs to be shot that way. Her body is buxom and marvelous, with supple, large breasts and sharp shoulders making up a strong and sexy frame. She obviously has one of the best physiques of the 2011 group, along with her amazing caramel skin, which is not too dark due to her mixed heritage. Her face is both an upside and downside, but can be looked at as an asset due to its innate uniqueness with its angular characteristics.
The Bad: Kylie's positives stop at the physical level, where she's got plenty of pull. When you look at her photos, though, it's a different story. Kylie is an uninspired poser, who never really gets into her comfort zone. Her pictorial is incredibly safe (a sad trend in 2011), and that really hurts the model, since Miss Johnson is innately a physical posing model. She needs more freedom to move and display her physical assets, but instead is restricted in a hot tub or in a cabin, looking passive and bored. She is a mediocre poser at best, and while she is a fine choice for Playmate, it shouldn't garner her attention for PMOY honors.
Kylie Johnson, Miss February
Age 21 | 32D-25-35 | 5'4" | 107 lbs

The Good: Kylie is a girl whose look just screams "agressive," and she needs to be shot that way. Her body is buxom and marvelous, with supple, large breasts and sharp shoulders making up a strong and sexy frame. She obviously has one of the best physiques of the 2011 group, along with her amazing caramel skin, which is not too dark due to her mixed heritage. Her face is both an upside and downside, but can be looked at as an asset due to its innate uniqueness with its angular characteristics.
The Bad: Kylie's positives stop at the physical level, where she's got plenty of pull. When you look at her photos, though, it's a different story. Kylie is an uninspired poser, who never really gets into her comfort zone. Her pictorial is incredibly safe (a sad trend in 2011), and that really hurts the model, since Miss Johnson is innately a physical posing model. She needs more freedom to move and display her physical assets, but instead is restricted in a hot tub or in a cabin, looking passive and bored. She is a mediocre poser at best, and while she is a fine choice for Playmate, it shouldn't garner her attention for PMOY honors.
Face: B-
Body: A-
Talent: B
Pictorial: B
Centerfold: B+
Overall: B
April gave us someone who has one of the best shots at the fan vote for PMOY 2012, Jaclyn. As the year wore on, Miss Swedberg became a huge fan favorite, as she places at or near the top of most Playmate straw polls. The reason for that is plain and simple: Jaclyn is beautiful. There are no two ways about it, the former Playboy TV star has catapulted herself into the PMOY conversation with some unmistakably good looks and a solid set of skills.
The Good: To put it simply, the subject matter is the real appeal here. Jaclyn is simply the "prettiest" of all the Playmates in the 2011 class, perhaps by a long shot. She has a worldly, calm, and gorgeous face, with a set of penetrating eyes that are the deepest and most amazing of the lot. Physically, she isn't curvy and doesn't have the volume that other ladies can throw around, but she's certainly got some spunk to her that makes her pop in photos. To top it off, Jaclyn is a talent. Although she doesn't exhibit any out of the ordinary skill, she has a knack for the camera, and strikes poses that complement her style wonderfully.
The Bad: What could drop such an amazing girl so far down my list, you say? It's the value that I put on a good performance, and Jaclyn, sadly, didn't quite deliver as far as material goes. Although she might put on a fine performance in a PMOY spread, her look just didn't translate well to the pages. Her "badass" persona is a horribly bad fit - this girl is destined for the bedsheets, with some pajamas and a good book, stripping down to a fluttery set of lingerie. Instead, Playboy puts her on a motorbike, and out of her element. I wouldn't mind if she took the title, just to redeem herself here.
Jaclyn Swedberg, Miss April
Age 21 | 34D-25-35 | 5'5" | 106 lbs

The Good: To put it simply, the subject matter is the real appeal here. Jaclyn is simply the "prettiest" of all the Playmates in the 2011 class, perhaps by a long shot. She has a worldly, calm, and gorgeous face, with a set of penetrating eyes that are the deepest and most amazing of the lot. Physically, she isn't curvy and doesn't have the volume that other ladies can throw around, but she's certainly got some spunk to her that makes her pop in photos. To top it off, Jaclyn is a talent. Although she doesn't exhibit any out of the ordinary skill, she has a knack for the camera, and strikes poses that complement her style wonderfully.
The Bad: What could drop such an amazing girl so far down my list, you say? It's the value that I put on a good performance, and Jaclyn, sadly, didn't quite deliver as far as material goes. Although she might put on a fine performance in a PMOY spread, her look just didn't translate well to the pages. Her "badass" persona is a horribly bad fit - this girl is destined for the bedsheets, with some pajamas and a good book, stripping down to a fluttery set of lingerie. Instead, Playboy puts her on a motorbike, and out of her element. I wouldn't mind if she took the title, just to redeem herself here.
Face: A
Body: A-
Talent: A-
Pictorial: B
Centerfold: B
Overall: B+
My top five starts off with a Playmate who was probably my biggest surprise of the 2011 class. Jessa Hinton had her reign as Cyber Girl, and I initially thought her selection as Playmate was rather questionable. Very fortunately, she proved me wrong. Jessa is a bit of an enigma - a fan favorite to many, but also the opposite to some. In stark contrast to every other girl of the year, Jessa's posing style was far more in-your-face and physical, with a tantalizingly raw and powerful look. She therefore makes a spot in my top 5 by introducing an excitement that was otherwise lacking in the class before her appearance.
The Good: It's quite simply Jessa's ample talent at delivering a fresh, exciting, and exhilarating photo that makes her a superb Playmate. While she won't wow you with any particular aspect of her physique, and isn't special by any stretch, she's a solid, and downright sizzling contender. Her squinty, smoky eyes are unlike anything else you'll see in 2011, and her busty body complements her persona so well. This girl has personality, and shows plenty of it in her spread. Utilizing a daring stare and combining it with some excellent contorting posing, we might have a strong contender here.
The Bad: For all the great things that Jessa offers to add a jolt to the Playmate class, there are several downsides. Most notably, it's physical here. Jessa doesn't have the pure beauty and subtle, refined qualities that other ladies like Jaclyn, Tiffany, or Amanda have to offer. There are only sharp curves, balloonish breasts, and some awkward angles to consider. Her face may be a turnoff to many, and is a testament to the fact that Jessa is what you make of her. If you take her as a full package, she is excellent. But if you take her apart, she just doesn't deliver in the way other ladies did in 2011.
As I get into my top three ladies of the year, we really see where the elite is, when it comes to being in the Playmate of the Year conversation. While Jaclyn and Kylie form a powerful fanbase, it's these three that I definitely think deserve the nod, no matter who it may be. First off, there's Ciara, who is just flat-out the most beautiful model of the year. When taking nothing else in consideration, Miss Price would easily be the most perfect Playmate - a wildly photogenic blonde with everything going for her looks-wise. Although she's got her shortcomings, Ciara's got the goods to put her up on my list.
The Good: It's pure and simple - this girl looks amazing. While her body may not be #1 in 2011, it's her amazing face that cuts through the mold. When she's shooting a sparkling, toothy grin at the camera, you can't help but wonder how such a pretty girl is willing to take it all off for the camera. As I mentioned before in my review, Ciara easily has the best face in two or three years, going back to the lovely Laura Croft in 2008. And as I mentioned before, her body is no slouch, either. Her petiteness and lack of any bombshell volume is actually a good thing, as it creates a sort of understated look that fits Ciara's personality perfectly. What comes across ultimately is an innate shyness, but in moderation, that creates an allure that's hard to pinpoint. Whatever it is, looks alone could put Ciara in the driver's seat for a PMOY appearance, even with her other shortcomings.
The Bad: While it may not be all her fault, and we all know how Playboy's editors don't always hit their stride, Ciara is perhaps the magazine's biggest wasted opportunity of the year. While other girls got their fair shake to an extent, Ciara is a stunning model who didn't get the full treatment. Her pictorial is the pinnacle of prudeness, making her look moderately uncomfortable with her role. She never goes a step farther than topless nudity, which is quite disappointing. While Ciara is best left as a passive poser who can just radiate a cheery beauty, she still could use some thematic elements and a bit of motion in her pictorial, which is sorely lacking. When it all boils down, Miss Price is easily the "what if" candidate in the 2011 class, with the difference between her and the top 2 ladies simply being her performance itself.
Jessa Hinton, Miss July
Age 27 | 34D-25-34 | 5'8" | 116 lbs

The Good: It's quite simply Jessa's ample talent at delivering a fresh, exciting, and exhilarating photo that makes her a superb Playmate. While she won't wow you with any particular aspect of her physique, and isn't special by any stretch, she's a solid, and downright sizzling contender. Her squinty, smoky eyes are unlike anything else you'll see in 2011, and her busty body complements her persona so well. This girl has personality, and shows plenty of it in her spread. Utilizing a daring stare and combining it with some excellent contorting posing, we might have a strong contender here.
The Bad: For all the great things that Jessa offers to add a jolt to the Playmate class, there are several downsides. Most notably, it's physical here. Jessa doesn't have the pure beauty and subtle, refined qualities that other ladies like Jaclyn, Tiffany, or Amanda have to offer. There are only sharp curves, balloonish breasts, and some awkward angles to consider. Her face may be a turnoff to many, and is a testament to the fact that Jessa is what you make of her. If you take her as a full package, she is excellent. But if you take her apart, she just doesn't deliver in the way other ladies did in 2011.
Face: B+
Body: B+
Talent: A-
Pictorial: B+
Centerfold: B+
Overall: B+
The last girl of 2011 was also one of the best, and for a few select reasons. Although she didn't garner rave reviews from the Playboy fan base, I thought she was worth shouting about. Rainy Day is certainly not an all-around Playmate - that title would be much better suited to the ladies in my top 3. However, what she excels at isn't really what she can do, but what she is: a great physical specimen, and probably the best of the year. With a nearly perfect body, she's got an innate advantage that can overcome any shortcomings, to an extent.
The Good: The headliner for Rainy Day is definitely her great body. Although it isn't immediately apparent how statuesque she is, one might need to dig a bit deeper to understand. First, Rainy is exceptionally proportioned, with a very tall frame (the tallest of the year at 5'9") combined with an extremely low waist-to-hip ratio. Put it all together, and you have a girl with some fine curves who can also stand tall and use length to her advantage. She can pull off the full gamut of poses, and combined with a great sense for the camera, she has the talent to back up her excellent frame and put it to good use. Rainy Day is a great combination of once-in-a-year physique and awesome natural ability, and that's what brings her to this point on my list.
The Bad: Although she may possess these natural gifts, Rainy lacks in a variety of key areas. First and foremost is her face - it's almost hidden most of the time, and is never photographed very well. In hard light, she looks awkward with her pouty lips and strange smile. Although it's never unattractive, it's a downside on such an otherwise physically superior woman. If you go a step deeper, you also see some pitiful material. Rainy wasn't given much to work with, and put out a miserable spread that she only helped with her presence. Still, I think these things really turned many fans off to her, and drew away from the star quality that could otherwise have made for an awesome model. Rainy may be the acquired taste of the year, and an often unacquired one at that.
Rainy Day Jordan, Miss December
Age 20 | 34C-24-37 | 5'9" | 125 lbs

The Good: The headliner for Rainy Day is definitely her great body. Although it isn't immediately apparent how statuesque she is, one might need to dig a bit deeper to understand. First, Rainy is exceptionally proportioned, with a very tall frame (the tallest of the year at 5'9") combined with an extremely low waist-to-hip ratio. Put it all together, and you have a girl with some fine curves who can also stand tall and use length to her advantage. She can pull off the full gamut of poses, and combined with a great sense for the camera, she has the talent to back up her excellent frame and put it to good use. Rainy Day is a great combination of once-in-a-year physique and awesome natural ability, and that's what brings her to this point on my list.
The Bad: Although she may possess these natural gifts, Rainy lacks in a variety of key areas. First and foremost is her face - it's almost hidden most of the time, and is never photographed very well. In hard light, she looks awkward with her pouty lips and strange smile. Although it's never unattractive, it's a downside on such an otherwise physically superior woman. If you go a step deeper, you also see some pitiful material. Rainy wasn't given much to work with, and put out a miserable spread that she only helped with her presence. Still, I think these things really turned many fans off to her, and drew away from the star quality that could otherwise have made for an awesome model. Rainy may be the acquired taste of the year, and an often unacquired one at that.
Face: B
Body: A+
Talent: A
Pictorial: B
Centerfold: B+
Overall: A-
Ciara Price, Miss November
Age 21 | 32C-25-35 | 5'4" | 118 lbs

The Good: It's pure and simple - this girl looks amazing. While her body may not be #1 in 2011, it's her amazing face that cuts through the mold. When she's shooting a sparkling, toothy grin at the camera, you can't help but wonder how such a pretty girl is willing to take it all off for the camera. As I mentioned before in my review, Ciara easily has the best face in two or three years, going back to the lovely Laura Croft in 2008. And as I mentioned before, her body is no slouch, either. Her petiteness and lack of any bombshell volume is actually a good thing, as it creates a sort of understated look that fits Ciara's personality perfectly. What comes across ultimately is an innate shyness, but in moderation, that creates an allure that's hard to pinpoint. Whatever it is, looks alone could put Ciara in the driver's seat for a PMOY appearance, even with her other shortcomings.
The Bad: While it may not be all her fault, and we all know how Playboy's editors don't always hit their stride, Ciara is perhaps the magazine's biggest wasted opportunity of the year. While other girls got their fair shake to an extent, Ciara is a stunning model who didn't get the full treatment. Her pictorial is the pinnacle of prudeness, making her look moderately uncomfortable with her role. She never goes a step farther than topless nudity, which is quite disappointing. While Ciara is best left as a passive poser who can just radiate a cheery beauty, she still could use some thematic elements and a bit of motion in her pictorial, which is sorely lacking. When it all boils down, Miss Price is easily the "what if" candidate in the 2011 class, with the difference between her and the top 2 ladies simply being her performance itself.
Face: A+
Body: A
Talent: B+
Pictorial: B
Centerfold: B
Overall: A-
My top two Playmates of 2011 are easily my favorites by a mile. While all the other 10 ladies had some issues that would keep them out of the race in my mind (including Ciara), these final two simply don't. Enter Amanda, one of the more interesting women in the class. With Eastern European pedigree and a very unique face and body, her all-around appeal gives her an edge in the polls. In fact, she is polling at a rather high level, fighting off some of the more heralded candidates. The reason for this is simple: Amanda's beauty melds excellently with a solid, attractive pictorial. While it won't revolutionize the way Playmates are shot, Amanda leaves an indelible mark on the year.
The Good: All-around greatness is Amanda's game, and it all starts with her body. While there are other great bodies in 2011, like Rainy Day or Tiffany, Amanda's is in a different category. She does have that voluptuous frame that seems to be the trend for Playmates of the decade so far, with hourglass curves and a smoother, less defined core. But what Amanda also mixes with this is a great lower body, with legs that are tough and defined, and are photographed immaculately. Just take a look at her beautifully executed Centerfold, picturing her in front of a mirror. Her legs are featured prominently here, and rightfully so. With amazing thighs and muscular calves nestled into some golden stilettos, Amanda creates a great visual image. Combine that with some milky smooth skin and a lovely pair of eyes, and you have Amanda, one hell of a model. Her sense for the camera isn't bad, either - Amanda's posing complements her body style very well, with each photo taking advantage of her tall frame and rugged (but refined) look. There's just a lot of good to say about this all around wonderful girl.
The Bad: With all of that good, it's hard to pick on things with Amanda. One thing is her facial expressions, which are inconsistent and take away from the character she otherwise displays so well. She lacks much definition in her face, making her a bit forgettable. That really is a microcosm of Amanda - she is an incredible model in many ways, but she doesn't ever excel at one thing. She has an amazing body with a good pictorial and nice talent, but doesn't ever pack the punch that some other ladies do in some areas. Although she might not win many category awards, she's still got the minimum baggage that makes her a great Playmate in the running for PMOY.
My #1 Playmate of the 2011 class came as a big of a surprise to me. Tiffany has been in the Playboy ranks for the past couple of years. She made her debut as a Cyber Girl of the Week nearly six years ago, appearing then as a wide-eyed teen with little experience. After years of numerous appearances in a variety of pictorials, she garnered some major attention from fans. Still, I never got what the fuss was all about, and I still didn't all the way up to her Playmate nomination. She was a cute girl, sure, but there was never that spark that truly pushed her over the edge. But alas, here she is, at the top of my rankings for PMOY 2012, and that's all due to her perfect balance of energy, looks, and a brilliant pictorial. All in all, she put together a tour de force performance that should rank her among the top on anyone's list.
The Good: Tiffany didn't just drag on with her usual schtick when putting together her PMOM performance. Instead, she gave us a wonderfully dynamic and colorful pictorial that just popped out of the pages. She took on an overhauled look, with a tighter, visibly sleeker body (and abs), and a smoky set of engaging eyes that really transformed her as a model. While before she could look overly childish and bubbly, now she comes off as a bombshell beauty. While other girls of 2011 left their sexuality somewhere far behind, nowhere to be found, Tiffany brought it in heavy doses, delivering one of the best centerfolds of the year, and unabashedly displaying some sensual zeal in full frontal awesomeness. Through it all, she still retains the best aspect of her past career - her wholesome likability, of course. Tiffany's personality comes across well in her pictorial, while she skillfully adds a layer of awareness that exhibits her maturity. And with the well-produced and involved pictorial, Playboy's editors gave her a star treatment that many others this year have sadly lacked. Bravo, I say, and here's to 2012's Playmate of the Year!
The Bad: While Tiffany does have her moments of fault, all in all I'd say that her performance in her Playmate spread was downright flawless. The model could be more photogenic overall, but no one's faulting her for that given her transformation into a more solid and skilled model over the years. Her sense for the camera has improved so much in the past six months, it's tough to notice any of the issues she had before. Although I'll admit that Tiffany is not revolutionary by any means, she is certainly in the upper echelon this year, and may have done as well as she possibly could have.
Amanda Cerny, Miss October
Age 20 | 34C-24-34 | 5'7" | 125 lbs

The Good: All-around greatness is Amanda's game, and it all starts with her body. While there are other great bodies in 2011, like Rainy Day or Tiffany, Amanda's is in a different category. She does have that voluptuous frame that seems to be the trend for Playmates of the decade so far, with hourglass curves and a smoother, less defined core. But what Amanda also mixes with this is a great lower body, with legs that are tough and defined, and are photographed immaculately. Just take a look at her beautifully executed Centerfold, picturing her in front of a mirror. Her legs are featured prominently here, and rightfully so. With amazing thighs and muscular calves nestled into some golden stilettos, Amanda creates a great visual image. Combine that with some milky smooth skin and a lovely pair of eyes, and you have Amanda, one hell of a model. Her sense for the camera isn't bad, either - Amanda's posing complements her body style very well, with each photo taking advantage of her tall frame and rugged (but refined) look. There's just a lot of good to say about this all around wonderful girl.
The Bad: With all of that good, it's hard to pick on things with Amanda. One thing is her facial expressions, which are inconsistent and take away from the character she otherwise displays so well. She lacks much definition in her face, making her a bit forgettable. That really is a microcosm of Amanda - she is an incredible model in many ways, but she doesn't ever excel at one thing. She has an amazing body with a good pictorial and nice talent, but doesn't ever pack the punch that some other ladies do in some areas. Although she might not win many category awards, she's still got the minimum baggage that makes her a great Playmate in the running for PMOY.
Face: B+
Body: A
Talent: A
Pictorial: A-
Centerfold: A+
Overall: A-
Tiffany Toth, Miss September
Age 25 | 34C-24-36 | 5'8" | 125 lbs

The Good: Tiffany didn't just drag on with her usual schtick when putting together her PMOM performance. Instead, she gave us a wonderfully dynamic and colorful pictorial that just popped out of the pages. She took on an overhauled look, with a tighter, visibly sleeker body (and abs), and a smoky set of engaging eyes that really transformed her as a model. While before she could look overly childish and bubbly, now she comes off as a bombshell beauty. While other girls of 2011 left their sexuality somewhere far behind, nowhere to be found, Tiffany brought it in heavy doses, delivering one of the best centerfolds of the year, and unabashedly displaying some sensual zeal in full frontal awesomeness. Through it all, she still retains the best aspect of her past career - her wholesome likability, of course. Tiffany's personality comes across well in her pictorial, while she skillfully adds a layer of awareness that exhibits her maturity. And with the well-produced and involved pictorial, Playboy's editors gave her a star treatment that many others this year have sadly lacked. Bravo, I say, and here's to 2012's Playmate of the Year!
The Bad: While Tiffany does have her moments of fault, all in all I'd say that her performance in her Playmate spread was downright flawless. The model could be more photogenic overall, but no one's faulting her for that given her transformation into a more solid and skilled model over the years. Her sense for the camera has improved so much in the past six months, it's tough to notice any of the issues she had before. Although I'll admit that Tiffany is not revolutionary by any means, she is certainly in the upper echelon this year, and may have done as well as she possibly could have.
Face: A-
Body: A
Talent: A+
Pictorial: A
Centerfold: A
Overall: A
Playmate Superlatives
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Best Pictorial Tiffany Toth |
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Best Breasts Tiffany Toth |
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Best Butt Jaclyn Swedberg |
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Best Talent Tiffany Toth |
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Best Body Rainy Day Jordan |
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